Monday, February 25, 2008

Marvellous human body

For the past few days I have really marvelled at the human body’s ability to recover. When I had the hysterectomy I gave full credit for my quick recover to my gym routine thinking that my level of fitness really paid off. It was the first time I was really grateful for sticking to the routine of rising at 05h30, gym 06h00 until 0h700 with my personal trainer, rushing back home to take the kids to school (they stood waiting outside in the driveway so that we could depart for school at 07h10), back home to have a quick shower, get dressed and start work for the day. Every morning was a complete rush and I would get anxious if the schedule was late by one minute! I was fortunate to have the arrangement to work from home until the traffic died down a bit. This way I could easily do one to two hours at home in total silence with no telephone or people interruptions. Then off to work for the day, around 18h00-18h30 was back home again (when the worst of the traffic has gone), supper, clean up kitchen, watch a TV program, help the boys with homework every once in a while and then bed… what a boring life when one relays it in this manner. I have regressed off the subject. With the operation earlier this month I have astounded myself in that I was walking with a nurse on each side of me about 18 hours after the operation, 48 hours after the operation I was independently mobile with my IV trolley as support and 5 days later I walk out the hospital unaided. All this whilst I have not been to gym in 5 months, so I cannot give all the credit to being fit – the body heals itself in leaps and bounds when one measures progress in 24 hours chunks (I know that Eileen will agree with me when looking at Adam’s recovery from major heart surgery earlier this year). And the spirit to live is so great that one just cannot understand where it comes from. Many people have told me in the past months that I am a strong person, not physically but mentally and after my experience of myself in the past two weeks I must agree with you all. My spirit is very strong…. Even surprising me!! We all need to be grateful for our human body’s ability to recover – a blessing which is truly amazing.

I am ready for chemo tomorrow and the stash is waiting for me (I must just remember to use it)!!! I am going to have a glass of bubby tonight to celebrate my recovery to-date! You are all welcome to have one on me!! I sound like a drug and alcohol addict. hahahahaha


Tertia said...

wonderful to hear you sounding so positive. hope that is my bubbly you are drinking ;-)


Ei said...

With strength of mind like this you are armed and dangerous - brilliant stuff!
Thinking of you today you wonderful woman.

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you, keep up the positive spirit. Always thinking of you. Love Wendy & family

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you, keep up the positive spirit. Always thinking of you. Love Wendy & family

Ei said...

Thinking of you and hoping tha you are continuing to harness the power of that positive mind!

Unknown said...

Thinking of you all and I told you "vasbyt" you are going to get through all this with flying colors, lots of love the Saaymans