Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tue 13 Nov 2007 Hairless Me nearly there

Monday was very quiet and nothing exciting occurred. I had my afternoon nap and ended up lying awake between 2 and 4am. Then I dreamt that I when I wake up all my hair has fallen out. Well, guess what, this morning I brushed by hands over my head and the hairs are falling out! Amazing, every event that has occurred from the operation to the diagnosis, I have dreamt before it actually occurred. The emotion of dealing with the hair falling out is a completely different matter. I hover between being in a state of denial as I cannot believe that I am full of disease vs the factual evidence that I am undergoing chemo and my hair is falling out at a rapid rate. It started this morning with a couple of hair to big tuffs by this evening. And… the hair is falling out ALL OVER!!!

Today I had an air conditioner installed in our bedroom. This is preparing for the very hot Cape Town summer days and nights where I will be confined to the bedroom. Quite a number of friends dropped by for tea/coffee today and are very excited that they can spend time in the air conditioned bedroom with me in the coming months. They are even willing to bring their camping mattresses so we can all have a cool night of rest together! I think the support circle are getting far too familar wanting to share the bedroom with Ian and I :)

1 comment:

Jan said...

Hi Alida,

You are still looking far better than Francois ;)
What a crowd and they are all men!
Take care